
Covance PV Services include medical contact center, case processing, aggregate reporting, signal detection & risk management, consulting and PV automation.

Covance PV Services: Medical Contact Center | Case Processing | Aggregate Reporting | Signal Detection & Risk Management | Consulting | PV Automation




Our end-to-end pharmacovigilance services span clinical and post-marketing phases from medical contact center to ICSRs to medical reviews to electronic regulatory submissions.



photo of a doctor shaking hands with a patient

LEAN Pharmacovigilance Process

Our LEAN processes and flexible engagement model allows us to quickly respond to volume fluctuations which cause ubiquitous resourcing issues. As a result, we deliver value to our clients by way of cost savings and process efficiencies.阅读我们的白皮书以了解更多信息.


Organizations requiring end-to-end PV support can take advantageour integrated patient safety solution为了实现商业成功,将产品更快地获得患者,并遵守监管​​机构。

药物检修解决方案 - 项目管理


By continuously improving our efficiency, cost improvements and productivity gains can be transferred to the client. The winning combination of our highly skilled people, streamlined processes and innovative tools means that redundancies, gaps and delays are eliminated at all steps of the process – intake and allocation, triage, data entry, peer review, medical review and reporting, and there’s a smooth execution of the entire process with reduced overall timelines.