The Greatest Barrier and Opportunity to Innovation Lies in Technology
技术永远改变了医疗保健连续体,并迎来了新的和革命性的方式来确保patient and consumer safety。技术还使组织通过以有意义的方式推动运营成本和渲染信息来实现更高水平的洞察力,质量和效率。它已成为全球的战略基础pharmacovigilanceoperations, fundamentally altering the drug safety continuum.

By combining our strength in the drug safety space with technology solutions and services, we offer companies a cost effective global model that will ensure the highest standards of compliance, quality and agility in reacting to change. Our solutions will help create the ideal environment for innovation and continuous improvement across the entire drug product life cycle.
我们的综合药物安全解决方案有助于生命科学公司建立药剂族地参考架构,部署信号检测应用程序并为安全分析创建企业门户。此外,我们还提供商业智能,分析,查询和疑问和reporting, validation and regulatory compliance. This enables innovation and continuous improvement across the entire drug product life cycle and helps organizations to be more pro-active in their ability to respond to problems and business needs.
We offer a full life cycle approach to drug safety technology, across a Planning, Deploying, Managing and Analyzing spectrum, allowing our customers insights into their safety operations and the ability to spot health trends in a product’s patient population.