动物福利Is Vital to Achieving High-Quality Results

Like many of you who visit this website, we care deeply about animals and strive to treat them humanely and respectfully – always.


一个健康的研究动物,如果得到适当的照顾,将提供更可靠的科学结果。取得最好的结果有助于确保新药品对病人以及宠物、牲畜和其他动物的安全。为了提高生活质量,我们提供丰富的生活activities, socially arranged housing, and playtime for the animals in our care.



All Covance employees who work with laboratory animals complete extensive training to ensure proper management and care. This training includes:

  • An interactive awareness module on Animal Welfare and Covance’s commitment to a Culture of Care.
  • 关于管理动物护理和使用的行业标准和所有适用法规的概述
  • 每个物种的独特需求,包括行为、心理和营养
  • 如何人道和安全地处理动物
  • 如何观察动物的不适、疼痛、痛苦或健康问题,然后将其最小化。

我们努力确保我们和我们的供应商遵守所有适用的动物福利政府法规。在我们30多年的动物研究中,我们一直保持着遵守动物福利法规的良好记录,包括欧洲理事会指令 2010/63/欧盟, the U.S. 动物福利法以及美国农业部(USDA)和美国公共卫生服务政策在人道的Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.

European Union regulations, for example, mandate that all research involving animals conducted in Europe be vetted by government agencies to confirm that animal research is the only alternative currently available. 

Most animals that Covance works with are purpose-bred specifically for research. They are not wild caught or sourced from animal shelters. Our team of veterinarians audits the suppliers on a regular basis to help ensure humane treatment and infection-free mandates are upheld to eliminate factors that could alter the outcome of the research conducted.


事实: More than 95 percent of the animals used in basic biomedical research are mice and rats.* Rodents are the most frequently used species to test the safety of new medicines, although government regulations require some testing in non-rodent species.

在某些研究中,迷你猪开始取代狗。大多数研究灵长类动物都是猕猴或狨猴,它们的使用数量相对较少,约0.05%的研究有助于实现许多重要的医学进展,如脊髓灰质炎疫苗和早产儿生命支持系统。网站 Understanding Animal Research has more information about research using primates.

*EU statistical data on the use of animals for scientific purposes