Proof of Concept Study in Clinical Research - PoC® Services


  • Maximize the value of your molecule

  • 提升您的资源和专业知识

  • 增加你的速度和效率

Photo of a sliced green apple.
Your Needs

We extend your team with the right experts at the right milestones. Whether it’s biomarker identification, specific therapeutic expertise, early clinical testing or crafting your commercial story, you’ll find a partner with end-to-end savvy.

A Complete PoC®



High quality, reproducible data. You don’t get that by accident. With innovative trial design and execution applied with just the right amount of resources and tools, you get a clearer path to your desired endpoint. When you minimize missteps, you naturally improve your ROI.

专注于验证您的临床潜力是可以理解的;然而,在这样做时,你就会冒着留在桌子上的风险。通过与我们合作,您将达到疾病,患者报告的结果(专业人士),经济模式和您的全球价值档案(GVD)的负担。您不仅会在此过程中获得有价值的洞察力 - 您将每步都有一个越来越有价值的产品。


We don’t subcontract our comprehensive PoC services. We give you a wide-ranging group of experts to anticipate and overcome all your PoC hurdles. And, you can leverage as much or as little of us as you need.