
The science of immunohistochemistry (IHC) is evolving, as evidenced by the development of increasingly sophisticated automated staining platforms, production of specific antibodies for a wide range of species and the availability of a range of novel biomarkers.



  • 表征免疫细胞
  • 评估肿瘤细胞和免疫细胞的关系
  • 可视化在标准H&E上不可见的细胞。小胶质细胞
  • Detect and measure cell proliferation
  • 确定哪些患者可能从药物中获得受益
  • Assess on or off target binding of an antibody drug
  • Determine the specific location of a protein in a tissue sample i.e. in situ proteomics
  • Track human stem cells xenotransplanted into animal models that are used to study their fate
  • 研究药物代谢尤。胰岛素和胰高血糖素
  • 可视化报告基因产品,如绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)
  • 遵守毒理病理学会(STP)等指导

GLP IHC Features

  • 具有船上抗原检索能力的自动IHC染色体:
    • 徕卡债券rx.
    • Ventana Discovery XT
    • Ventana Discovery Ultra.
    • Ventana Benchmark Ultra
  • High throughput manual methods using ThermoScientific Shandon Sequenza
  • 组织交叉反应性研究
  • Immunophenotyping by IHC
  • 多路复用,包括双IHC / ISH
  • 多种最佳处理的组织库
  • Experience dating back to 1988
  • 以前开发的数百种方法
  • 新型方法开发的科学和技术专长

Human NSCLC Adeno CD3CD68CK Triple Stain
Mouse spleen CD8
Mouse Spleen CD8
Rat brain GFAP
大鼠胰腺 -  Chromogranin a
大鼠胰腺 - Chromogranin a

  • 数百个标准和罕见(或可定制)测定
  • Multiplex staining technologies (chromogenic and fluorescent)
  • 大型银行最佳加工的石蜡嵌入和冷冻组织
  • 主要使用一致utomated IHC platforms, validated to ensure electronic data regulatory compliance (also see SEND)
  • 亚洲,欧洲和北美的全球设施之间的标准操作程序