
Although oral drug administration is the most common type of drug delivery, many patients prefer inhaled medicines, if possible, over injections or other more invasive delivery methods. Inhalation toxicology studies are becoming vital in assessing the safety and potential toxicity of inhaled drugs or chemicals asrespiratory diseasesincluding asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cystic fibrosis (CF) also become more common.

Senior woman making inhalation

Why You Might Want to Consider the Inhalation Route

  • 患者易于使用=更好的采纳和坚持。吸入性药物比注射或其他更具侵入性的方法更受欢迎。
  • 药物吸收迅速。肺的渗透膜允许快速给药和快速代谢进入体内,以治疗快速发作的症状。
  • Reduced cost impact on the healthcare system.手持式和定量吸入器都是标准的医疗技术,工作人员和在家患者都已经熟悉,这使得它对医疗系统具有低屏障和低成本的影响。
  • New generation of inhaler devices and techniques.The 3rd generation of devices can now include engineered products, which can potentially reduce the drug volume needed to reach efficacy as well as side effects.
  • 技术设备进步。New devices have made impressive gains, including electronic feedback, volume monitoring, electrostatic charging, specialized nano-carriers and humidity / temperature compensated delivery.
  • 设备专利有可能延长产品寿命。即使在制药公司的专利过期后,你也可能从设备的专利中获益。
Key questions to ask before you begin an inhalation study


What to Expect From Covance Inhalation Capabilities

Less test material = more cost savings

Test material is expensive to manufacture. We've miniaturized toxicology delivery systems to尽量减少材料损失通过风量,设计了一套3D面罩to prevent leakage and developed techniques toenhance the bioavailability供试品,需要较低剂量。


As a full-service CRO, you'll have access to efficacypharmacology models for respiratory,呼吸系统临床试验,的设备开发团队for a drug/device combo, and the市场准入小组,擅长帮助您了解药品设备组合的复杂定价策略。


从我们专门建造的吸入毒理学设施和in-house aerosolization engineering我们的世界著名的科学人员和专门的吸入研究主任的能力,监督more than 150 inhalation studies annually,你和你的大院将会得到很好的支持。见见我们的一些科学家:

吸入& Respiratory Case Studies

Using a clinical device in a preclinical exposure study

