DNA / RNA表达分析


We use a StepOnePlus™ Real-Time PCR System that can read four different colors in a 96-well plate and supports assays such as SNP genotyping, gene expression analysis, microRNA expression, translocation analysis, and gene detection. Our PCR specialists can help you to determine the expression of specific genes in cultured cells, fresh tissues, or frozen tissues. Whether you need to measure the expression of genes in different cell lines, strains of mice, tissues, or tumors, or monitor the expression of different genes with different treatments, our PCR specialists can help you design a study that’s right for you.

Cell line STR profiling

Genetic instability of some cell lines can result in changes at the DNA level that can compromise research results. Cell line authentication via STR (short tandem repeat) analysis will ensure that the research is being conducted on the correct cells, maximizing reliable results, supporting publication efforts, and reducing the risk of wasted time and resources. Authenticate your cell lines by comparing the STR results to those in published sources. The STR profile of newly generated cell lines should be established so that the STR profile of future passages can be compared and the stability of the DNA can be monitored. We collaborate with a partner laboratory that specializes in STR profiling techniques and analysis.

