Cell Culture

Large-scale culture

Covance can grow and expand your cell lines for implantation into hundreds of mice or freeze as many vials as necessary at the cell concentration you need. We have fourteen CO2 incubators, three full-sized biosafety cabinets, two cell automated cell counters, and a vast amount of experience growing hundreds of different cell lines in dishes, flasks, roller bottles, spinner flasks, and multi-layered flasks.


Covance可以使用具有相位对比度和1.4MP CCD摄像头的奥林巴斯CKX53F倒荧光显微镜监测培养物中细胞的细胞形态。在治疗之前,期间和后,在植入前的特定时间点或在植入前的特定时间点查看细胞的图片以验证细胞是否正常生长。


We can monitor the growth of your cells over time and compare different cell variants, cells grown in different media, or cells grown with different treatments. We have two Luna Automated Cell Counters that can accurately distinguish the live from the dead cells and count each population. Our cell culture team has a vast amount of experience culturing multiple types of cells including tumor cells, primary cells, and neurospheres. The team also has experience performing colony formation assays to detect the tumorigenic potential of transformed cells and the tumor suppressive effects of proteins on transformed cells体外。Our flow cytometry team has experience monitoring the proliferation of stimulated T-cells or T-cells in mixed lymphocyte reactions using CFSE staining.

High-content image analysis



萤火虫(P. pyralis)荧光素酶是在D-Luciferin存在下产生生物发光的酶。使用慢病毒转导系统将荧光素酶2(Luc2)基因的DNA与嘌呤素抗性基因一起掺入细胞的基因组中。在培养细胞的同时,将嘌呤霉素添加到培养基中以仅选择具有插入的荧光素酶基因的细胞。一旦将支持的LUC的细胞注入小鼠或大鼠,并且施用D-Luciferin,可以用Covance的IVIS®光谱检测所产生的光体内成像系统。我n vitro服务团队具有从稳定转换细胞进行过程中的每一步的经验,以选择转导电池以测量细胞的光输出。

Read our related blog article regarding luciferase

Cytotoxicity / proliferation assay

Cytotoxicity/proliferation assays are widely used to screen for cytotoxicity in compound libraries. If you are interested in developing a therapeutic agent that targets rapidly dividing cancer cells, we can test your cytotoxic compounds. We can also screen “hits” from initial high-throughput drug screens for unwanted cytotoxic effects before you invest in your agent as a pharmaceutical. Covance can measure the toxicity of your compound in your choice of over 400 cell lines that we have available. We provide graphs and IC50.values for each cell line and compound.