Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates


From Paul Kirchgraber, MD, CEO


  1. Together, we can deliver unprecedented acceleration:Every day counts for a new COVID-19 assay, vaccine or therapeutic. Accelerating your development and reaching patients faster requires a highly coordinated team. We’ve mobilized dedicated COVID-19 Response Teams to help connect you to the right people and regulatory authorities to expedite your development.
  2. 通过合作,我们可以建立高度协作的伙伴关系:As an example, aunique partnership approach has already proven successful脊背生物疗法测试抗病毒药物。我们的COVID-19响应团队制定了该客户的临床开发计划,与监管机构联系,调整药物供应,并招募志愿者进行首次人体研究-in just 14 business days. 这种速度和协作水平确实令人惊叹,是不懈追求突破所必需的。
  3. Together, we can seamlessly integrate cross-functional expertise for your end-to-end development:流程中的每个交接点都会增加风险并影响您的时间表。我们在这里提供从发现和临床前阶段到开发和商业化阶段之间的快速过渡。无论您是否需要分子筛选、配方、分析开发、患者招募或临床试验管理方面的支持,您都可以扩展团队的科学和医学专业知识,并产生新的见解,以做出更明智的决策。其他任何组织都无法提供如此广泛的协yaboapp体育官网调服务,也无法与Labcorp的全球影响力相媲美。
  4. 通过合作,我们可以直接接触患者,并通过专有的Labcorp患者数据实现重点招募:灵活性、灵活性和无与伦比的患者通道对COVID-19检测和药物开发至关重要。我们专有的Labcorp数据可以帮助您预测下一个热点,近实时地完善您的招聘策略,并增强对当前COVID-19测试模式和患者群的可见性。您还可以使用patient Direct来改进患者招募工作。patient Direct是我们独特的数据库,包含符合特定纳入/排除标准的经同意、预先筛选的患者,这些患者来自Labcorp对美国约20%接受过COVID-19测试的人进行的测试。此外,还可以加快招募速度,Labcorp和Ciox Health Real World数据部门正在密切合作a comprehensive U.S.-based COVID-19 patient data registry. The registry will store curated, HIPAA-compliant de-identified data sets and can be used to gain rapid insights from real-world data to enhance epidemiological and clinical research and ultimately improve outcomes for COVID-19 patients.
  5. Together, we can apply patient-centric practices to enhance safety in a challenging trial setting:在重症监护病房(ICU)工作本来就很困难,因为病人的情况很复杂,而且需要确保病人和医护人员的安全。您可以应用我们过去的经验,对插管患者进行具有挑战性的肺炎研究,并设计针对患者招募和保留进行优化的方案。在ICU之外,我们还可以帮助您使用分散的试验解决方案,如eConsent、ePRO、eCOA和远程医疗技术,这些技术与我们设在美国的患者服务中心和全球家庭健康服务一起,可以减少现场就诊的频率,并收集有价值的患者数据,为决策提供信息。


Updated: 4/3/2020

From Paul Kirchgraber, MD, CEO

These are challenging times in every country around the world. We recognize that our clients and partners are working across the globe adapting to new information and new realities. Speaking on behalf of my leadership team, I am proud of how Labcorp has stepped up to respond to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. I wanted to take a moment to let you know how we are working to address several key areas:


Ensuring the continuity of our ongoing studies and programs:所有Labcorp站点保持运行,除非受到当地授权的限制。我们在所有服务线实施了严格、详细的业务连续性计划,并继续有效地管理我们的供应链。我们继续在可能的情况下开展新的研究,并密切监测COVID-19对时间表和可交付成果的影响。

With regard to our Clinical Pharmacology group, we have made the difficult decision to delay entry of new study cohorts into the units for approximately 8 weeks. Our clinics remain open and operational, continuing to work on studies that are in progress. An important exception to this action is our commitment to support new studies intended to treat or prevent COVID-19 with healthy volunteers.

扩大COVID-19测试的可用性:Labcorp正与白宫冠状病毒工作组、美国疾病预防控制中心、行业合作伙伴和其他主要卫生部门密切合作,扩大COVID-19在美国的检测范围。自从3月初启动我们的第一个测试以来,我们现在每天能够执行20000多个测试,预计容量将继续增长。我们的Labcorp Diagnostics同事正在持续工作,以验证和启动其他测试选项。在我们的Labcorp中心实验室,我们正在验证几种不同的COVID-19检测分析方法——这些分析的时间将取决于关键成分的可用性。

Developing vaccines and therapies through the power of our combined capabilities:We have deep experience in antiviral drugs and vaccines and are working with our biopharmaceutical clients to develop both prevention and treatment solutions. We have also established a Covance COVID-19 “Tiger Team,” an innovative, cross-functional team to help get potential new treatments for COVID-19 into clinical trials more quickly and efficiently. This team will serve as a gateway to all the services and offerings Labcorp provides. You may have also seen therecent announcement我们的工作与显微镜osoft and Adaptive Biotechnologies in a virtual clinical trial to identify immune responses to COVID-19.





We prioritize the health and well-being of our employees and their families, of the patients and customers we serve and of the communities in which we live and work. We recognize that the situation is evolving and have already taken several proactive steps to mitigate risk while maintaining business continuity, including:

  • Adherence to governmental travel advice for all countries in which we operate with creation of a decision matrix for determining essential travel
  • Providing flexible work arrangements where appropriate that maximize work execution
  • 启动业务连续性计划,使我们能够灵活可靠地履行承诺
  • 与现场合作,在现场或场外提供充分的临床护理
  • Contingencies planned for medication availability (IMP and non-IMP)



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