



生物技术s and pharmaceutical companies have understandably been reluctant for many reasons. Exposing patients to long-term risks with no extenuating benefit has ethical implications and legal issues may arise with any negative outcome. Financially, implementing a longer trial can translate into higher development and drug production costs.


  • 与患者和调查人员相关的偏见了解治疗任务亚博全站官网
  • 对治疗成功的预期
  • 符合资格患者数量的可能减少未来登记导向研究
  • 与想要继续在药物的患者可能发生冲突 - 即使在盲目的试验中,也没有停止过度效力和发展。

Shifting toward a patient-focused approach in rare disease studies

While the implications of open-label extension can seem intimidating, these risks may be offset by the benefits gained from a patient-centric approach in rare disease drug development.

With limited populations to test, each and every patient in a rare disease study is very valuable. An open-label extension helps maximize the amount of information extracted from each patient and gather crucial data that better informs downstream development.

However, incorporating a patient-focused approach takes more than simply running an open-label extension. Sponsors must consider:

  • Early engagement with the patient community
  • 自然历史数据的设防
  • Acceleration of preclinical safety studies
  • Early vetting with regulatory agencies
  • Robust informed consent development with external input
  • Development of a solid long-term plan for data interpretation to provide the reassurance needed to acquire adequate financial support.


Leone Atkinson, MD, PhD

Leone Atkinson博士是神经科学的高级医学主任,并引领罕见的疾病工作组。在这一角色中,阿特金森博士负责巩固对整个组织罕见疾病的经验教训,关系和专业知识。她为稀有疾病中的许多临床试验提供了科学和临床支持,包括脆弱的X综合征,粘性多种症,晚期Pompe病,Duchenne肌营养不良,急性间歇性卟啉,以及进步的血清核麻痹。在加入Covance之前,Atkinson博士担任生物制药公司和国家健康研究院的医学顾问。从2007 - 2010年起,她曾担任PTC治疗学的临床发展执行主任,她负责杜南肌营养不良和其他稀有遗传疾病的Ataluren的全球临床发展计划。在此之前,她曾担任Sanofi-Aventis的临床研究主任,在那里她致力于治疗多发性硬化的大型临床计划,并担任Novartis Pharmaceuticals的神经科学主任。


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