
在持续对抗癌症的战斗中有新希望的原因。从癌症会议的仅限室挑衅数据演示文稿到地标出版物和新药批准,标志是多数和清晰的。利用免疫系统作为抗癌治疗 - 尚未充分发挥其承诺的战略 - 现在是肿瘤药物发展最令人兴奋的地区。



在20世纪50年代中期,免疫学先锋Macfarlane Burnett和Lewis Thomas介绍了我们的免疫系统对于在恶性道路上的细胞存在不断调生的假设。通过该过程,检测转化的细胞,警告免疫系统,然后发射攻击以消除它们,从而使癌症保持临床上的临床上。该提案,称为癌症免疫监测,是一个关键的概念进步,以及作为治疗策略的免疫治疗中的组织原则。

Immune surveillance fails when some tumors escape immune detection and elimination, and cancer becomes clinically apparent. The details are complex, but at a conceptual level, immune surveillance failure is the result of some combination of a tumor’s ability to evade detection and failure of the immune system to mount an effective response.

As support for the immune surveillance hypothesis accumulated, possible drug development strategies became apparent. Soon there was great hope for realizing the untapped potential in the strategy of reawakening the immune system by giving it a boost. Thus began a three-decade effort to activate the immune system in the war against cancer.

The immunotherapy assault on cancer was no halfhearted effort. A wide range of therapeutic interventions were tested including:

  • Therapeutic cancer vaccines based on cancer-associated antigens
  • Immunostimulatory adjuvants for use with cancer vaccines
  • Antiproliferative cytokines such as interleukin-2 and interferon alpha
  • 靶向肿瘤细胞受体的单克隆抗体
  • 活性免疫细胞的输注



We now know that an effective immune response requires three critical steps (summarized below in Table 1; also see Figure 1).Cancer Blog Covance

Figure 1: The Cancer-Immunity Cycle (from Mellman et al; Immunity 39, July 25, 2013)


That’s all well and good, but CD28 is not the only partner for B7. An inhibitory receptor, cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA4) is expressed on the surface of a T cell as soon as T cell activation occurs. CTLA4 binds to B7 on a dendritic cell with greater affinity than CD28 and restricts or puts a halt to the T cell’s participation in an immune response (Figure 2)

图2A.左侧抗原呈递细胞(APC)上的共刺激配体与右侧T细胞上的受体结合,触发T细胞活化和增殖。在静息T细胞中,CTLA4容纳在囊泡中。(MHC:主要组织相容性抗原; TAA:肿瘤相关抗原)B.在T细胞活化之后,CTLA4在T细胞的表面上表达并结合B7,更换CD28,更换CD28,阻断T细胞增殖。来自:Salama Ak和Hodi;临床癌症研究,2011年,Vol。17,pp。4622-4628




Covance ipilimumab.
Figure 3: Ipilimumab’s mechanism of action of From: Mellman et al Nature Vol 480; 22 29 December 2011)


CD28及其配体B7或CTLA 4是较大图像的一部分,其中特定的T细胞受体及其对抗原呈递细胞或肿瘤的相应配体抑制或促进肿瘤特异性T细胞应答(图4)。在这种情况下,免疫反应的强度是促进T细胞活化和增殖的力之间的平衡的结果,以及抑制免疫反应的那些部分的力。原则上,这意味着药物开发努力应专注于通过增强刺激受体的功能或抑制抑制受体的功能来转移平衡。这可以通过使用具有激动剂或拮抗剂效应的单克隆抗体来实现(图5)。

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Figure 3: Receptor-ligand interactions between T cells and antigen-presenting cells or tumor cells. From: Mellman et al, Nature Vol 480, 22: 29 Dec 2011

Figure 4: The basis for immune checkpoint modulation through the action of agonist or inhibitory monoclonal antibodies. From: Mellman et al, Nature Vol 480, 22: 29 Dec 2011

另一个重要的受体 - 配体对是编程的死亡-1(PD-1)受体及其配体,编程死亡配体1(PD-L1)。与CTLA4一样,PD-1在活性T细胞上表达并防止T细胞攻击肿瘤;然而,它以不同的方式实现了这一结果。PD-1在淋巴结中T细胞的树枝状细胞活化点和T细胞攻击部位在肿瘤的微环境中。由于IPILIMIMAB的批准,另外两个单克隆抗体,PEMBROLIZUAB和NIVOLUMAB,PD-1的两个抑制剂已被批准用于如下所述的具体适应症(表2)。黑色素瘤中的比较数据表明,释放PD-1 / PD-L1的检查点抑制诱导更大的临床疗效,然后抗CTLA4靶向。


There’s No Free Lunch

Ipilimumab is associated with a range of toxicities involving multiple organs. Collectively they are known as immune-related adverse events (irAEs). Among the most common manifestations of irAEs are: dermatitis, hepatitis, colitis, endocrinopathies, and neuropathy. We will revisit the toxicity profile of ipilimumab and other immune checkpoint inhibitors in the next blog post.

Cancer immunotherapy has undergone a remarkable rebirth, but it remains in its infancy. Many questions remain unanswered and we are still learning to adapt to the lessons that we’ve learned to date. I

Cancer immunotherapy is especially promising, because the immune system has a variety of attributes that make immunotherapy different from any other approach to the treatment of cancer. Many of the common challenges of developing cancer therapies have to be viewed differently. On the other hand, many of the lessons learned from the past decade of developing targeted therapies are relevant to the future development of cancer immunotherapy.


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