


欧盟的监管动力继续发展,预期较高药物检修(PV)as each nation has rigorous and complex patient safety regulations. The shifting landscape represents a unique challenge for small- and medium-sized enterprises operating in this strictly regulated marketplace.

We often talk about achievingPV excellence通过人,流程和技术,但不在欧洲语境中。我们的作用是为了确保患者的安全性,同时优化药物的益处风险概况,今天我们将考虑卓越的欧盟特定的光伏模型people, quality and compliance

People: developing organizational excellence

Smaller companies have limited or no in-house PV capabilities, technology and resources. As a result, it is typically outsourced to multiple CROs, along with clinical development. Therefore, no central, single PV database exists, as data are fragmented across multiple CROs. Companies reaching late Phase III need to consolidate this data, either by building PV expertise in-house or by outsourcing to a company such as Covance.

额外的资源挑战包括在临床阶段期间对负责人(RP)的欧盟要求,以及在市场发布期间负责PV(QPPV)的合格人员。小型和中型组织需要通过允许RP / QPPV通过支持在该国注册的市场授权持有人(MAH)支持整个组织的流程来确保有效的沟通和认识。管理资源和复杂过程和要求的成本以及具有专用QPPV的需求,是MAH本身的任务。但是,随着MAH的扩展,专用QPPV办公室可以支持流程和管理可交付成果。

Growing organizations need expertise and tools that enhance PV throughout the patient journey. Examples include safety evaluation, risk management plans (RMPs) mandated by European regulations and European-regulation PV system master files (PSMFs). Staff members need the capability to work with tools for signal detection and tracking.




Agencies have a perception that some manufacturers produce poor quality reports, as seen inismp.NCBIExpert Opinion on Drug Safety和检查结果来自MHRA和FDA的结果数据。处理并提交给机构的数据质量需要相当大的改进,所处理的数据的价值是可疑的制造商。中小型组织的不符合规则的风险较高及其后果,因此转向诸如Covance等公司来管理支持它的质量流程和系统。

Manufacturers understand the limitations of data from certain sources and their patient safety values. However, they are often focused on meeting regulatory obligations, even though “more data” rarely means “better-quality data.” Safety organizations cannot build an effective QMS in isolation; safety needs a voice at the corporate level to influence the organization’s quality efforts and activities.

Compliance: driving excellence in meeting regulatory requirements





Today’s heightened level of operational excellence can only be achieved if we remember that the role of PV is to ensure patient safety while optimizing a drug’s benefit-risk profile. As small- and medium-sized organizations expand their global reach by introducing products to the EU market, building PV excellence in terms of people, quality and compliance is critical. A provider such as提供灵活的人员配置,质量系统和监管专业知识,帮助这些组织在高度监管的欧盟景观中取得成功。


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