
IND-Enabling programs for gene therapies


最近网络研讨会, we discussed gene therapy preclinical areas central to an IND/IMPD submission, namely, pharmacology, toxicology and pharmacokinetics. The following is a brief summary, plus insightful Q&As, of that event.

Evolution of gene therapies

虽然基因疗法在20世纪70年代概念化,但直到20世纪90年代初期,它们成功地用腺苷脱氨酶(ADA)缺乏和家族性高胆固醇血症的治疗方法。不幸的是,千年患有两种临床试验的悲剧 - 其中参与者在逆转录病毒矫正严重联合免疫缺陷(SCID)后开发白血病,以及另一个在腺病毒试验中发生的致命发生以纠正鸟氨酸转基因酰基酶(OTC)。这些不幸的结果导致了交付系统的重新设计,并提高了行业的重点是具有特别强大的科学计划,以确保严格的监管和安全合规性。

What are the challenges associated with IND-enabling programs for gene therapies?

Gene therapies require tailored toxicology

Current Guidelines and evolving regulatory standards within preclinical studies can be an issue; although, a multi-disciplinary approach is pertinent in addressing to the toxicology/pharmacology of each specific evaluated therapy. Routes of exposure (e.g. intrathecal or intravenous) and pharmacokinetics (e.g. duration or concentration of exposure) will help reveal potential adverse effects. Usually, most standard approaches cannot be applied to these precision medicines – for example, gene therapy generally utilizes a single species evaluation versus the conventional two.

Each gene therapy requires a unique regulatory approach


Programs may encompass improving upon a current approved therapy or addressing an unmet need in a therapeutic indication. As there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’, working closely with regulators is essential when designing and progressing toward clinical trials. The INitial Targeted Engagement for Regulatory Advice on CBER (Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research) producTs (INTERACT) meetings at the US FDA facilitate identification of issues at an early stage; many public facing regulatory bodies have established and conduct similar programmatic meetings across the globe. This approach is especially useful in dealing with innovative investigational products with unique safety profiles. Fast track development paths within the US FDA are also of paramount importance, as they can offer expedited review and approvals when preliminary evidence suggests that the product benefits are greater than those currently available.

In vivo model selection can impact outcomes


Accounting for past exposure to viral vectors


Taking precautions against viral shedding

Certain aspects of preclinical study designs need to be considered when utilizing viral elements of delivery. One of these pertains to the timing of dose administration. When cohort dosing or split initiation is separated by more than 2 to 3 days, the dosed and non-dosed animals need to be housed separately to avoid cross contamination of shed (excreted) viral particles via, for example, feces, urine or saliva which may impact to results interpretation. In addition, appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) for technicians and appropriate hygiene practices for room entry and egress should be employed to ensure the safety of the technical staff and to prevent cross contamination between animals and rooms.


As well as the traditional systemic routes of administration, gene therapies are frequently administered via the CNS or ocular system for a more targeted delivery, depending on the specific disease indication being considered for treatment.

Ocular administration

在Covance,我们注入的50 - 100毫升左右viral vector by intravitreal, subretinal or suprachoroidal routes. These injections can expose the subject to smaller viral loads of around 108–109拷贝/毫升作为目标是inj近端ection. Whilst leakage from the site of injection can occur, e.g. into the optic nerve, ocular delivery can be optimised, and risks minimized, by working with specialised veterinarian ophthalmologists. Further, we partner with Ocular Services On Demand (OSOD)– a world-class team of vision scientists to ensure exceptional study design, execution and results interpretation. Functional changes in the reactivity of the eye can be assessed during the live phase and specialized tissue collections post-life can evaluate the biodistribution within the eye as well as assess any changes in histology.


CNS管理利用CSF方便和逆行流动用于病毒载体分布。更容易且临床相关的接入点位于低于Conus Medullaris水平的腰椎内,而是在Cauda Equina的区域内。将钝针插入弯曲脊柱的椎骨(第三腰椎)之间的腰部鞘内空间中。除去脑脊髓液,在至少1分钟的过程中轻轻注入相同的试验材料制剂的剂量。一旦针被移除,将动物置于Trendelenburg位置以进行改进的分布。其他路线包括注入岩壁麦塞卡,将材料放置在第四脑室和中央管接近的材料,并注射靶向侧脑室的脑室内部区域,以及使用立体定位MRI引导剂量给药的特异性实质区域以确保靶向交货。后剂量临床观察应包括评估疼痛或痛苦(头痛)和由于注射压力增加而潜在的神经缺陷;关于后者,分析注射率和体积对于最小化影响至关重要。

Designing biodistribution assessments

Biodistribution needs to be monitored at intervals generally ranging from 1–12 months and is key to understanding the distribution of product in multiple tissue types. Even with targeted delivery, viral particles can become widely distributed; thus multiple systemic tissues should also be evaluated. The gonads should also be analyzed as concentration here may influence potential transfer to offspring. In the brain (flash-frozen or fixed), the right side is often used for biodistribution and the left side for histology. There is also a known risk of severe toxicity and degeneration of the dorsal route ganglia (DRGs) after viral vector therapy. It is a labour-intensive task to analyze the regions within the DRG, for example: the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions, however these can be collected and analyzed for transgene product as well as histopathology. Distal peripheral nerves as well as ascending tracts within the spinal cord should also be evaluated histologically to determine extent of changes.



Webinar Q&A



Q: Can you control the copy number? What range of copy number is typical?

A: Copy number is dependent on dose and route of administration, although 108–1014是典型的,眼睛或大脑108通常是足够的。较高的拷贝数通常等同于病毒的更大生物分布。


答:我们进行的大多数测定都表现出阳性或负面脱落,而不是评估这些样品的感染性。非团体样品(例如粪便,尿液等)是挑战,而且in vitro斑块测定形成特别难以保持清洁。

Q: What is the stance at Covance on readouts for biodistribution – DNA, RNA or protein? Or a combination?

A: Typically, readouts for gene therapy biodistribution has used DNA, RNA or protein – or the activity of that protein. DNA via qPCR is the most common method. However, in consideration of RNA and protein, it may be difficult to discern between inter-species RNA and establish if the measured activity results from, for example, the humanized recombinant versus native species enzyme. To differentiate between the two isoforms, an examination of the mRNA indicates that the target gene is being transcribed. It is vital to differentiate between endogenous protein and exogenous product using techniques like electroretinography (ERG), electroencephalogram (EEG) and Doppler to evaluate changes in targeted function if possible.

In some programs, we are able to identify the DNA within tissue, but not the RNA or protein, so establishing an argument on the mRNA or protein readout will help convince regulatory bodies that your product is likely to function correctly.

Q: What is your opinion on tissue distribution?

A: It is important to be as comprehensive as possible. We recommend collecting approximately 14-20 tissues at necropsy. For example, if one is administering viral vectors into the brain, then samples of tissues from the brain, spinal column or spinal cord are clearly required. It’s important to collect and analyze tissues that may experience systemic exposure such as the liver, kidneys, intestine, eye and draining lymph nodes. Also it is paramount to check distribution and/or expression in the gonads – as questions related to germline cell transfer will allow one to be prepared to address that concern.

Q: What PK time points do you recommend for AAV IM or IV routes of administration?



AAV adeno-associated virus


ADA adenosine deaminase

CBER Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research



DNA deoxyribonucleic acid

DRG dorsal route ganglia

FDA.Food and Drug Administration

Ind Investigational新药物


MRI magnetic resonance imaging

OSOD Ocular Services On Demand


RNA ribonucleic acid

SCID severe combined immunodeficiency


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