
Clinical research associates (CRAs) need immediate access to relevant and accurate site performance metrics, but information is often isolated within multiple databases and spread across different tracking systems. To deliver key site performance data to CRAs via mobile and web applications – quickly and conveniently – Covance has created a specialized clinical analytics suite of products, Covance Xcellerate® Informatics. This powerful solution integrates data from all sources and allows a CRA to gain a clear and concise view of all clinical trial data, in one place, for all the sites that a CRA is monitoring.


As a single product that provides site-level visibility for CRAs, the Xcellerate® CRA Dashboard was developed to support clinical monitoring strategies based on the principles of risk-based monitoring (RBM) and ICH GCP E6 (R2).

This industry-leading product gives CRAs the essential information and insights for proactive strategic planning and provides CRAs with a vital link between investigative research sites and functional teams by facilitating collaboration and streamlining communication efforts with their site partners.

As the only CRO to offer a mobile application for its CRAs, Covance is changing the game. This product, designed to focus a CRA’s attention on areas of risk, seamlessly integrates study-specific operational and project performance data. As CRAs work to drive improvements in site compliance through riskdirected actions and meaningful data-driven discussions, this product aids in visual site performance. Additionally, the Xcellerate CRA Dashboard provides essential information such as trip report compliance data, patient enrollment data, query and issue aging metrics and protocol deviation details.


自2017年11月的产品发布以来,Covance密切监测了CRA仪表板Xcellate.adoption of the Xcellerate CRA Dashboard, incorporating user feedback and tracking performance metrics. The initial feedback and metrics are strong. Nearly two-thirds of Covance CRAs have utilized the product and efficiency analysis demonstrates an average of 18% reduction in site management since launch. Similar reductions have been observed in routine monitoring visit (RMV) preparation time, with a 22% reduction since launch.

Further analysis of operational data also shows improvements in Issue and Risk Aging and strategy compliance since the Xcellerate CRA Dashboard launch. As internal teams further embrace the Xcellerate CRA Dashboard, Covance will continue to collect and analyze performance metrics to quantify differences in time, efficiency and quality as related to the CRA’s role and responsibilities.


除了初始卷展栏上的有前途的指标之外,CRA不再需要通过多个数据流捕获以访问相关信息。这为CRAS节省了巨大的时间,并为他们提供了对关键信息的迅速访问,进一步赋予他们作为学习网站的合作伙伴的角色。作为一个CRA状态,“我惊讶地看到数据的力量,以及在Xcellerate CRA仪表板中的一切都在一起才有意义。”

在移动设备上获得临床试验识的能力也有助于往往在移动的CRAS的差异。“我可以随时随地访问Xcellerate CRA仪表板,”CRA说。“我发现了一种易于使用和非常有效的方法来提高我对网站概述的认识。”

通过Xcellerate CRA仪表板立即访问关键网站性能数据,CRA的作用正在不断发展,优化专业技能作为交叉功能风险管理团队的一部分。这些适用的CRAS希望加强其临床监测技能,并使用创新的临床信息技术。


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