

有意地添加的微塑料(微薄的固体聚合物颗粒)包含在各种化学产品中。与劣化的微塑料废物一样,有意添加的微薄塑料是令人关注的,因为它们可能会影响人类和动物健康。全球监管机构正在评估如何解决有意添加的微薄塑料,并将其分类为相当于PBT / VPVB(持久性,生物累积,有毒/非常持久性,非常持久性,非常生物累积)物质,并提出限制它们的使用。阅读以了解此限制如何影响一系列行业以及需要采取的行动。

微塑料are widely used in a range of products from multiple industries

微塑料是许多日常产品中的常见成分。从用作化妆品中的去角质剂,洗涤剂中的消泡剂,农业种子涂料以提供用于药物的受控释放机制 - 微薄的是普遍存在的。根据这一点echa., in 2017, over 51,000 (11,000–63,000) tonnes of microplastics were used intentionally in the EEA, with about 70% (36,000 tonnes) ending up in the environment.1


Definition of intentionally added microplastic

There is no one globally accepted definition of a microplastic, leading to a lack of consistency in both scientific investigations and worldwide regulatory approaches. Existing definitions vary in relation to both the particle size and the chemical composition, with further complication added by the use of additional terms such as microbeads.

In Europe and the EEA, the ECHA under REACH regulation provides specific definitions for microplastic and microbeads – see Table 1.


术语 Meaning
Microplastic 一种material consisting of solid polymer-containing particles, to which additives or other substances may have been added, and where
颗粒的≥1%/重量/重量(w / w)具有:所有尺寸1nm≤x≤5mm,或纤维,长度为3nm≤x≤15mm,长度为直径比> 3。聚合物s that occur in nature that have not been chemically modified (other than by hydrolysis) are excluded, as are polymers that are (bio)degradable.
微珠 在混合物中使用的微塑料作为磨料,即去角质,抛光或清洁。
聚合物 条例第3(5)条(EC)第1907/2006(RETRO)第3(5)条的含义内的一种物质。
粒子 一种minute piece of matter with defined physical boundaries (a defined physical boundary is an interface).
含聚合物的颗粒 任一种:具有任何厚度或任何组合物的连续聚合物表面涂层的任何组合物的颗粒,具有≥1%w / w的聚合物含量。

基于聚集在微塑料的证据,视图与PBT / VPVB物质相似一种nnex XV达到。这意味着不需要禁止含有微薄塑料的物质的鉴定危害。在里面Echa的话语

“......微薄的塑料应该被视为风险评估目的的非阈值物质,类似于达到法规的PBT / VPVB(持续,生物累积,有毒/非常持续的,非常生物累积)物质,与环境的任何释放有任何释放导致风险。


  • 一种restriction无论使用条件如何,他们都将不可避免地导致环境的市场微观塑料或混合。过渡时期,以允许利益相关者遵守限制的足够时间,用于某些用途。
  • 一种标签需求为了最大限度地减少无意的微塑料释放并增强其适当的使用和处理。
  • 一种报告要求改进信息收集,以评估潜在的未来风险。


echa.restriction on intentionally added microplastics


“条例第3(5)条的含义内的聚合物(EC)第1907/2006号,从[进入生效(EIF)],将市场放在市场上,或者以混合物为单位浓度等于或大于[0.01]%w / w的微塑料。“

With many sectors using microplastics as key ingredients, achieving this may be challenging. Therefore, the ECHA provides transition periods and derogations to allow industry time and space to develop alternatives, such as biodegradable polymers.



  • Substances or mixtures containing microplastics for use at industrial sites.
  • 用于人类或兽医用途的药品。
  • Substances or mixtures that are regulated in the EU under Regulation (EC) No xxx/xxxx on Fertilising Products
  • 含有微塑料的含有微塑料的物质或混合物
    • 在整个生命周期中的技术手段含量,以防止释放环境和
    • any microplastic containing wastes arising are incinerated or disposed of as hazardous waste.
  • 含有微薄的物质或混合物,其中当使用物质或混合物使得聚合物不再满足微塑料的附件XV定义时,例如当使用微塑料的物理性质
  • 含有微塑料的物质或混合物,其中微塑料在使用时永久地掺入固体基质中。




Figure 1: Restriction implementation milestones

Testing the biodegradability of your intentionally added microplastic

为了遵守附件XV限制,制造商和进口商必须证明他们的微塑料是可生物降解的。However, this may be challenging because, as Annex XV states, “…harmonised analytical methods for detecting microplastics in products are yet to be agreed and a framework of test methods and criteria for identifying (bio)degradable ‘microplastics’ will likely require additional research and development to progress beyond the ‘interim’ criteria proposed here.”

一种nnex XV recommends a tiered testing approach of initial screening followed by higher tier assessments.

Screening tests and higher-tier testing


大多数微薄塑料都需要更先进的筛选试验。然而,这些先进的测试需要时间 - 与土壤中的参考资料相关的(生物)降解的时间 - 因此,在这种情况下,过渡期看起来并不特别慷慨。

附件XV建议的较高层次测试需要评估Microplastic在最相关的环境舱内的半衰期,并且在代表微塑料最终的条件下。例如,对于新鲜/偏卤素水和新鲜/偏摩尔水沉积物和土壤或9℃的海水和海洋沉积物,测试温度为12℃的测试温度,反映欧盟平均值。附件XV建议经合组织TGS 307,308和309用于更高层次的测试。这些是与化学品一起使用的很好,但在评估与聚合物相关的生物降解时构成挑战。




The ECHA Annex XV restriction on microplastic use will impact a wide range of industries from cosmetics to agriculture to medicines. The testing framework to support the new requirements is still evolving, but with EiF looming in 2022, innovation in both product development and biodegradability testing are both ramping up.


echa.:European Chemicals Agency

EEA: European Economic Area

EiF: entry into force

PBT / VPVB:持久性,生物累积性,有毒/非常持久,非常生物累积

达到:Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals



  1. Echa。正在考虑的提交限制。微塑料。https://echa.europa.eu/retrictions-under-consideration/-/substance-rev/22921/term.
  2. 欧盟委员会科学咨询机制(SAM)对微塑性污染的环境和健康风险。科学意见6/2019(由SAPEA证据审查报告第4号)支持。布鲁塞尔,2019年4月30日。https://op.europa.eu/en/ publication-detail/-/publication/f235d1e3-7c4d-11e9-9f05-01aa75ed71a1/language-en/format-pdf/source-108645429.


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