science students working with chemicals in lab at the university.

Precision imaging of antibody biodistribution in vivo with Zirconium-89 PET

Zirconium-89 (89Zr) has revolutionized discovery and translation of Ab (and Ab fragment) therapeutics via PET biodistribution imaging. With standard, straightforward labeling chemistry,89Zr provides unprecedented specificity and sensitivity of PET Ab detection (to pM levels). At Covance we use89Zr PET as a platform assay forin vivoquantification of:

  • Ab targeting precision
  • Off target localization
  • Clearance

Our assays allow preclinical assessment of acute Ab kinetics as well as longitudinal time courses over >1 week in the whole body.Contact usto obtain examples of the power of89Zr PET image datasets and how they can be used to fast forward clinical translation.

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