
While International Women’s Day (IWD) is officially recognized on March 8, the collective action and shared ownership necessary to drive gender parity is a constant undertaking. Last year, our drug development team located in India took the “Balance for Better” theme to heart. This year, they’re planning for an even more impactful 2020 that’s part of a commitment to make a positive difference for women across all of our global sites.

Under the leadership of Imran Ali, senior vice president and general manager, the drug development team in India has grown from 30 employees to 3,700 in a span of only 18 months as our presence has ramped up in the Asia Pacific region. The team is divided almost equally in terms of gender, with women comprising 51 percent of the overall population. Moreover, about 31 percent of the leadership team is female. The value placed on women leaders and diverse perspectives reverberates across the organization.

“I’ve traveled extensively in my career, and I know women in my country go through more hardship than most with the responsibilities of home and family,” says Imran, who joined the company in 2017. “There needs to be a trigger of support for women. I’m passionate about creating a balanced culture – a framework that allows individuals to succeed based on merit, not gender. Diverse talent is critical to our success. You’ll find 20 to 30 different educational and experiential backgrounds among our team, which leads to better decision making, more innovative thinking and higher engagement. Gender diversity follows naturally.”

One initiative to support a diverse and inclusive workforce, the India chapter of the Women’s Empowerment Network (WEN), an employee resource group with members from our drug development and diagnostic businesses across the globe, was established in August 2019. At that time, there were already multiple internal initiatives underway connected to IWD and its theme.

“IWD对我们来说不是为期一天的庆祝活动,”Lakshmi Subramani,学习伙伴,技术培训说。“这是一种日常生活方式。在过去的春天,我们向所有领导人询问了所有领导者分享自己的想法,这些想法是更好的平衡意味着什么。我们拍摄了这些报价并创造了横幅,然后用持有他们的大家拍摄了一个庆祝视频。这是一个很棒和惊人的体验。我们非常自豪地与访问的每个全球领导者分享那段视频。“

In fact, more than 100 senior leaders from around the world have visited our offices in India during the last 18 months – and time is often set aside for executive listening sessions and group forums to discuss the importance of inclusion and diversity, and women in leadership. Many of those visitors have been closely involved in establishing WEN India.

“我们的文学集团的目的是培养一种文化,每个声音都听到并尊重,”Labcorp在印度的毒品开发业务负责人Hufriz Karkaria说。“当我们说”赋权“时,我们正在说”多样性和包容“。”我们相信每个项目和地位的平等机会。有一种真正的信念,即性别多样性为桌面带来了更好的东西。“

温印度由50名志愿者组成 - 妇女和男子 - 谁是繁忙的规划活动和倡议,以认识到股权文化。WEN会员目前正在组织一个互动面板讨论,该互动小组讨论,旨在从公司以外的妇女提供高度实现的妇女,以及为孩子诞生后返回工作的父母的支持系统。这包括新的母亲和父亲,以协调一致的努力,帮助他们在工作和家庭生活之间实现平衡。


温印度是整个企业中14个文群体之一,预计2020年的预计最高有4人。所有这些都分享了激励和赋予妇女实现目标的全球愿景,以及通过职业发展促进个人和专业加速的使命, leadership-focused forums, mentorship, collaboration, and elevating the power of women’s voices. Like its sister chapters, WEN India is already planning around the theme for IWD 2020 – “Each for Equal.”

“让妇女和克雷亚的重要性ting a flexible, respectful work environment, has become part of our culture,” says Savitha Hanuman, head of quality assurance in India. “With WEN India, we’re providing the additional support needed to help women achieve success in their careers and balance in their lives.”


