


我们庆祝全球多样性宣传月are featuring six people across our enterprise to hear about what diversity means to them in both personal and professional experiences. Learn about their role in being a part of an inclusive work environment and how these efforts ultimately improve how we better understand the people we serve around the world.



From his first job out of college as a healthcare billing specialist to his recent promotion as a national account executive, Marcus feels truly humbled that his career over the past 20 years has been a success. This success has been supported by his colleagues as well as many others that Marcus has met via networking out in the field. Now, he is excited for an even deeper level of support through the new employee resource group: PULSE (Promoting Unity through Legacy, Support and the Empowerment of Black employees).


“当我与客户遇见时,我知道我为一家公司工作,这不仅会指导每年数百万的患者护理决策,并在今天的世界前50个药物的发展中发挥了作用,但也是努力引领促进多样性的方式。脉冲将允许黑人员工的声音被听到更多信息,因为我们相互了解,分享想法并感到赋予某些事情 - 不仅适用于Labcorp,而且对于Labcorp已经每天提供触摸的人们,随着我们继续优化我们的使命来改善健康和改善生活。“



在与Technologies公司合作后,Linda 10年前在这里开始作为一个国家级的人力资源(人力资源)在中国的普遍主义者,后来在她早期的职业生涯中曾在新加坡工作三周,而另一个人力资源同事们离开了。




Meet Santiago, Director, Buenos Aires, Argentina



“In some meetings, I’m the only person from Latin America and the global team wants my opinion,” explained Santiago. “Then, within my own teams, I work to understand the differences between cultures and communication styles, learning from each country’s approach.”

As he continues to support hiring, Santiago is aware of the value of attracting diverse talent.

“With global diversity among our employees, we can have a more complete view that takes into consideration the different realities of the world. I want potential candidates to feel comfortable with applying to join us and know that we welcome and embrace diversity – it’s a commitment to the community we serve but also helps us to have different perspectives to understand our communities.”

Meet Rhona, Nonclinical Data Associate III, Harrogate, U.K.

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“I’ve been Rhona full time since May of 2017, and I’ve never looked back,” she said. “I wasn’t sure how things were going to go at work, but I was met with a lot of positivity and support from my colleagues and management.”







“In India, we have 1.35 billion people spread over 28 states and eight union territories that speak 120+ languages with more than 19,500 dialects,” he explained. “I know that people are both different and similar: they may have different nationalities, cultures and racial backgrounds, but they are similar in their expectations and aspirations from life, fellow citizens, and employers in general.”



Meet Brenda Velasquez Wagner, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer and Vice President of HR Transformation and Integration, Research Triangle Park, NC, U.S.

Brenda今年早些时候加入了该团队,很高兴成为一个任务驱动的公司的一部分,这些公司在60个国家的65,000人中拥有全球多样性。但欣赏不同背景对Brenda来说并不是新的 - 这一直是她生命的一部分。

“我的父亲是波多黎各,而在我在新泽西长大的时候,我们经常在波多黎各的祖父母和大型大家庭上访问,”她解释道。“我的母亲来自纽约布朗克斯的犹太家庭。我喜欢拥有这种丰富的文化和庆祝不同的假期 - 这让我今天是谁!我也很感激的认可西班牙遗传月份, which is also currently underway in October.


了解更多关于全球多样性,包容性和平等对策的更多信息。访问Labcorp职业生涯andCovance Careersand to see where you can apply your unique perspectives and help us improve health and improve lives.

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