Employee raises $40K+ for cancer center after being cured from tongue cancer

获得化学和双重学位后普杜拉。布辛ess at University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Joshua had been growing his career at Covance, LabCorp’s drug development business, for seven years, starting as a quality assurance auditor before becoming a study coordinator and an associate pharmacokineticist. He considered himself healthy, which is why his cancer diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity came as a complete shock.

“Out of the blue, I was diagnosed with cancer of the tongue,” said Joshua. “I was a 30-year-old with no risk factors. I had a check-up only nine months prior and, all of a sudden, there was a tumor on my tongue. The doctors couldn’t give me an explanation and said I was dealt a bummer of a hand in life.”


“I was so young,” Joshua said. “I had never even looked at my short-term disability policy, but the support I received at work was second to none. I remember going into work to tell my manager, who said, ‘Go home, take care of your needs and we’ll figure it out.’ Covance made it clear that my health was my priority, and I can fully understand and appreciate that not every employer is like that.”

Less than a month after Joshua’s diagnosis in 2013, he underwent a surgery that removed nearly half of his tongue.

“They grafted tissue from different places on my body and ‘Frankenstein-ed’ my tongue back together,” he explained.



His feeding tube was removed a week before Thanksgiving but he remembers not being able to taste his holiday dinner. It was about the same time that Joshua returned to work, nearly six months after he was diagnosed.

He continued with regular check-up appointments for five years and, in late 2018, he was declared cancer-free.

“My doctor told me I was cured. That’s really what I’d been waiting to hear,” he said.

Looking ahead and giving back



During the time he was undergoing treatment, Joshua decided to start fundraising for the威斯康星大学碳通癌中心, where his initial surgery was performed. A year after his surgery, he raised nearly $4,000 with a 90-hole golf-a-thon. Over the course of five years, that amount accumulated to more than $29,000, and he formed an LLC in 2018. In September 2019, he hosted his biggest event yet – a golf outing near Madison, Wis., that raised more than $12,000 in one day.

“很明显,人们希望积极参与 - 不仅仅是用钱包,”约书亚说。“这让我旨在形成LLC,大约110名高尔夫球手在我的9月期间注册。我必须诚实:它在工作之外消耗了近半年的生活。但是,有一个人们享受的活动,并筹集资金来帮助患有癌症 - 这让我的心唱歌。“


Continuing to share his story

While Joshua is now considered cancer-free, he reports having chronic side effects that are likely permanent.


他还在脖子上一个报告肌肉痉挛d that he has to focus on speaking.

“I have to remind myself to slow down and think about the sounds before I speak. At a place like Covance, this can be challenging because it’s really fast-paced. It sounds silly, but I turn on the radio in the morning and sing along to get my muscles moving. I do the same thing on my drive to work. Where I stumble is when I sit for long periods of time and don’t talk. I absolutely notice it when I start to have a conversation then.”



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