

目前,免疫细胞检测,测量和功能分析的最敏感的技术之一是酶联免疫蛋白(ELISPOT.测定。Covanceuses the ELISPOT technique in applications such as evaluation of vaccine efficacy and immunogenicity of biological products.

Benefits of ELISPOT assays

The ELISPOT assay is one of the most sensitive in vitro cellular assays for detecting and enumerating individual immune cells that secrete soluble mediators in response to a stimulus. The ELISPOT assay was originally developed for analyzing specific antibody-secreting cells based on theenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)but it has been adapted to measure the frequencies of cells that produce and secrete other effector molecules such as cytokines.


Applicability Across Multiple Immunology Disciplines

ELISPOT.testing can be used across several disciplines of immunology, and is particularly useful in areas where the ex vivo measurement of low-frequency T cell responses is required. For instance, ELISPOT assays are useful in monitoring the frequency and profile of circulating donor-reactive T cells in organ transplantation; measuring cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity in cancer research; measuring memory responses in infectious diseases and vaccine development; and detecting autoreactive cells (which typically occur at low frequencies) in autoimmune disease.



The multiple, complex steps of an ELISPOT assay require highly specialized capabilities. The following are some factors that can impact ELISPOT assay performance.

Cell recovery and viability:标准化ELISPOT测定中的最关键步骤之一是确保从冷冻保存后拯救外周血单核细胞(PBMC)后的充足的细胞回收和活力。凭借其全球业务,Covance的中央实验室服务可以从测试对象和PBMCS将高质量的PBMC迅速准备和冷冻储存高质量的PBMC,以便在单一的测试位置,确保在ELISPOT等功能测定中的最佳性能。

Operator Technique and Proficiency:Carrying out ELISPOT assays can be laborious and can yield variable results. Covance has experienced scientists and associates trained specifically in ELISPOT technique, who perform these assays routinely using optimized and standardized protocols with minimal assay variability.

Result variability:In order to minimize variability in results and improve the ability to confidently compare subjects from different clinical trial sites, steps should be taken to ensure initial assay performance and adherence to clinical standards over time. In addition to following a standard operating procedure (SOP) for the execution of ELISPOT assays, Covance experts follow a documented training protocol, under a set of guiding ‘quality principles’. Our assay validation parameters ensure optimal assay performance and high quality data generation.


Sinnathamby Gomathinayagam, Ph.D.

Sinnathamby Gomathinayagam, Ph.D. is a Senior Scientist for Translational Biomarker Solutions at Covance.


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