
Achieve compliant and secure FDA (eCTD) submission requirements with accurate and timely SEND datasets. Covance continues to be a leader in the development of SEND (Standard for the Exchange of Nonclinical Data), including being an active contributor in the SEND CDISC Consortium and the FDA / PhUSE working groups.



Standardized data across studies


What SEND services do you need?



  • 提交就绪数据集
  • 审判摘要(TS)文件
  • BA/TK数据转换(external contributor data for our studies)

Automated Data Delivery



Imagine analyzing data from multiple studies, comparing data with historical controls, identifying trends and anomalies with ease, and then taking action. SEND makes it possible to share results with study stakeholders for improved communication.

And if you have access to data visualization software, you can make your life even easier by creating easy-to-read visualizations and charts of your data.Read this blog post on how to turn your SEND datasets into smart charts and graphs.


哪些数据集需要在SEND formar中继续转换,但以下是当前需要SEND格式的场景:

  • 一般毒理学
  • Carcinogenicity
  • 安全药理学:心血管和呼吸
  • 注意:
    • Non-GLP studies included in a regulatory submission also require SEND format
    • 提交的遗留研究至少需要一份简化的试验总结(TS.xpt)文件。


  • Data Analysis:You need software to be able to view the datasets--if you're able to use a可视化工具, this makes analysis even easier.
  • Data Storage:您需要一个用于存储文件的存储和归档解决方案。
  • FDA提交:你需要能够以电子方式向FDA提交你的数据。

What do SEND files look like?

  • Zip files (transferred via FTP or StudyTracker)
  • Multiple domains (i.e. Body Weight domain) make up one dataset
  • Each domain is in the .xpt format


  • We've been doing SEND datasets since the beginning. Today, we've delivered more than1250亿数据点in the SEND format, helping hundreds of companies submit their eCTDs.
  • 我们是世界的一部分CDISC SEND Consortium and FDA/PhUSE Working Groups正在制定标准和术语
  • We use普里斯蒂马® 软件and Pinnacle 21 for high integrity.

